In addition to the RPL line of replacement locks, we supply all of the popular flintlock and percussion locks by the L&R Lock Company.
We are happy to fill your order via telephone. We will tell you upfront if your parts are on hand, your total and when you can expect your package. Please be aware we are a family mail order business and we not maintain a conventional store that you can visit.
Phone 434-993-3557
The Bedford Locks The “rat tailed” locks with their artistically curved hammers make the slender and graceful Bedford Co. guns unique in the annals of Kentucky rifle study. Although the percussion guns stand out as the “classic” examples, it is obvious that many had been converted from flint. L&R has elected to offer both so interchangeability is possible. We have patterned ours after the beautiful John Amos example featured on the cover of the definitive book by Calvin Hetrick. Dimensions were researched from original guns supplied from various collectors to whom we owe our sincere thanks.Locks of this general type were utilized by such makers as John Amos, Daniel Border, Jacob Stoudenour, William Defibaugh, and Peter White.Lock Features:* Flint lock has water proof pan, roller mounted frizzen, bearing surfaces on the tumbler and sear, stirrup springing, fly and sculptured bridle.* Recommended flint size: 5/8″* Percussion accepts 7/16″ drum with internal workings interchangeable with flint lock. * Dimensions: 5 7/16″ x 7/8″ * Matching Side Plate Available Right Hand Only 1. Model# 1900 – Flintlock $170.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Back Action Locks Back Action percussion locks were a “late” developed style of lock. Used primarily on the hardware store line of guns, these locks did, however, show up on some better pieces in the mid-to-late 1800′s. Back Action locks are extremely fast and are often used on competition, squirrel, and light-weight boy’s rifles. They also make a fine addition to shotguns of this period as well.Lock Features:* Dimesion 4 3/4″ X 1 1/16″, stirrup type springing and fly.Available in RIGHT and LEFT Hand.1. Model# 700 – Right Hand – Percussion $117.00 2. Model# 800 – Left Hand – Percussion $117.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Classic Locks L&R now offers the finest example of the “classic” Germanic design offered to today’s shooters and gun builders. Locks of this type were commonly used throughout the Colonies by the greatest “Masters” of the Kentucky rifle art. Our locks sport a quick “time” by virtue of friction reducing bearing surfaces on the tumbler and sear, cam action, and a shorter, powerful stroke. An inconspicuous roller on the frizzen cam enhances frizzen action. In addition, our popular “rain sealer” on the underside of the lid helps keep your powder dry.Lock Features:* Thick bolster area for proper stock profiling. Traditional hook type springing. One position sear action for easier trigger set up. Highly polished internally. Available in right and left hand.* Dim. 5 3/8″ x 1″ (although slightly larger overall, these locks are fully adaptable to the large Siler mortice).* Recommended flint size: 3/4″ * Matching Side Plate Available. 1. Model# 2100 Frizzen Bridle – Flintlock Right Hand $170.00 |
Locks Jim Chambers Locks L & R Locks R. Davis Locks Siler Locks Allen Box Lock & Inline Actions Triggers L & R Triggers R. Davis Triggers Other Triggers: H & A Underhammer. Many consider this to be an ugly rifle. Maybe it is, however it is simple and it works very well. Lock, trigger breech plug and trigger guard are all in one piece. Made for: New York Pennsylvania & Ohio. 'The Frank Kidd Collection' 2486 'N.Y.P. 4 1/2' high x 2 3/4' wide x 1' deep. Made for: New York Pennsylvania & Ohio. Mfg by: Union Lock & Hardware Co. 'The Bill MacNab Collection' 6318 'N.Y.S. Made for: Paterson & Ramapo or Philadelphia & Reading or Phillips & Rangeley or Pontiac & Renfrew or Portland & Rochester or Portsmouth & Roanoke or Pottstown & Reading or Prescott & Reader. 6531 'P&R' - 'SWITCH'. When you purchase an L & R product, you can be assured that we stand behind our work. All our fine, quality products are made entirely in the U.S.A. L&R Lock Company, Powered by Siteground! Illinois Lock Company was founded in 1930 on Taylor street on the west side of Chicago. The Illinois Lock Company was founded in 1930 on the west side of Chicago before its move to our current location in Wheeling, Illinois in 1960. In 1965 Illinois Lock was purchased by The Eastern Company. The Eastern Company is a 160-year old manufacturer of.
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Dickert Lock Jacob Dickert, of Lancastcer County, Pennsylvania, was an accomplished gun maker circa 1755-1822. He made his own lock for the guns he built; but in addition, Dickert supplied locks to other gun makers. The Allentown Bethlehem, Lancaster and Bucks County schools and makers within these schools, such as A. Verner, J. Moll, Herman and John Rupp, John Knoll, Melchoir Fordney, Abraham Schweitzer and J.P. Beck, utilize this style lock.Lock Features:* Available RIGHT HAND ONLY. Dim. 5 3/8″ X 15/16″. Traditional hook type springing, bearing surfaces on tumbler and sear, water resistant frizzen to pan fit, cam action. Highly polished internally.* Recommended flint size: 3/4″* Right Hand Only 1. Model# 1200 – Right Hand $170.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Dimick Lock Horace Dimick was a gunmaker of top order and his guns were competition for the “plains rifle” business of Sam Hawken. His firm was established in St. Louis in 1849 and continued until his death in 1873. He was considered by many to be the highest skilled gunmaker of the day. Locks of this type were used considerably by Dimick as well as other makers from coast to coast, and were found on rifles of all calibers as well as shotguns.Lock Features:* Dim. 4 5/8″ x 1 1/16″. Plate polished inside and out. Bearing surfaced and stirrup linked internally, with a nice short “stroke” for speed.* Right Hand Only1. Model# 550 Percussion Lock $117.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Durs Egg Locks A master English gun maker, Durs Egg apprenticed in Switzerland and Paris before setting up shop in London in 1772. Egg’s contemporaries were John Twigg, John and Joseph Manton, Robert Wogdon, Henry Nock and H.W. Mortimer. Egg kept abreast of his contemporaries in both aesthetics and design engineering, producing some of England’s finest arms.Lock Suitable For: Rifles and shotguns by any of the above named gun makers. Gun makers today use this lock for almost any style of flint rifle from: Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Tennessee, Southern Mountain Rifle and all variations of these arms. The very fast lock time of this unit makes it an asset to the competitive shooter and hunter alike.Lock Features:* Available in Right & Left Hand. Dim – 5″ X l5/l6″,waterproof pan, pierced bridal, fly, stirrup type springing, fancy mainspring,roller mounted frizzen, and plate polished intemally.* Recommended flint size: 3/4″ * Also available in “Drop in” Percussion. 1. Model# 1100 Flintlock – Right Hand $170.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Jaeger Lock The German guns of early to mid 18th Century were instrumental in the development of our American”Kentucky” Rifle. L&R’s JAEGER lock is typical of the half-round half-flat plate styling found on many fine arms of old Europe during this period. Joseph Frey was one ofthe great masters utilizing this style. Use with our Model 1500C Colonial Trigger or our model T-9 Double Set.Lock Features:* Dim. 5-1/2″ x 15/16″ traditional hook type springing, bearing surfaces on tumbler and sear, rain resistant frizzen to pan fit,”Cam” action and a nice short “stroke” highly polished internally.* Recommended flint size 3/4.* Right Hand Only 1. Model# 2300 Flintlock – Right Hand $170.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Hawken LocksLocks of the T. Gibbons Style: A recreation of the late Hawken percussion lock for use with the snail breech system. In his quality “St. Louis Guns”, Sam Hawken utilized locks by different makers. This lock plate is very similar to that of T. Gibbons and is prenotched for HPT Breech.* Lock Features: Available in RIGHT and LEFT HAND. Dim 4 7/8″ x 1″. Internal parts interchangeable with our “Late English” flint lock, stirrup type springing and fly.* #100 Right Hand and #200 Left Hand are uncut for Breech as pictured in insert.Hawken “Warranted” Style: A recreation of the lock style typically found in early J & S Hawkens circa 1825 – 1840. Imported from England and manufactured in the US, they were essentially the “commercial” lock of the period. This model has been prenotched for the HPT breech.Lock Features: * Plate polished inside and out. Built for speed with a nice short stroke. Internal parts are interchangeable with our “Late English” flint lock. * Dim. 4 5/8″ x 1″ * Right Hand Only 1. Model# 100 Percussion – Right Hand $117.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Leman Locks A re-creation of the famous Pennsylvania lock and arms maker, H.E. Leman. This type lock was also known as “Kentucky” percussion and was used with the drum type ignition. Leman locks are suitable for Southern, Mountain, Ohio and Trade Rifles.Lock Features:* Dim. 5″ X 1″ Internal parts and plate are interchangeable with our “Late English” flint lock.* Available Right and Left Hand.* Stirrup type springing and fly. Accepts 1/2″ Drum. 1. Model# 300 – Percussion Right Hand $117.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Late English Locks Since the onset of the Hawken popularity, there has been much controversy as to the existence of a “Hawken” flint lock rifle. One full stock Hawken rifle exists in the archives of the Smithsonian Institutc. It was authenticated by Col. Vaughn Goodwin, Art Ressel, John D. Baird, and J.W, “Doc” Carlson as being converted from flint to percussion ignition. L & R acquired and duplicated an original advanced waterproof English flint lock very similar in all aspects to the lock in the Smithsonian rifle.* Lock Suitable For: Full stock Hawken, Leman, Southern Mountain, Tennessee, and Poor Boys. Also proper for Manton, Egg, Twigg rifles and fowling pieces.Lock Features:*Dim. 5″ X 1″ waterproof pan, roller frizzen spring, stirrup type springing and fly. Bearing surfaces on tumbler and sear highly polished internally.* Recommended flint size: 5/8″ * Also available in drop in percussion (Model #300,400) 1. Model# 900 – Goose Neck Flintlock – Right Hand $170.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Manton Locks John and Joseph: The Manton’s were superb English gun makers of the highest order. Brothers, skilled artisans, craftsmen, trend setters and staunch business rivals. Crafting sporting arms, pistols, rifles and fouling pieces, each left an indelible legacy for all gun enthusiasts to admire and emulate. The Manton’s competed successfully with Durs Egg, Henry Nock, John Twigg and other highly acclaimed contemporaries. L & R has recreated “THE MANTON LOCK”. This superb firing mechanism is the culmination of exhaustive research and development.Lock Features:* Small, lightweight, lightning fast, measuring 4 3/4″ X 7/8″, waterproof pan, roller mounted frizzen, bearing surfaces on the tumbler and sear, stirrup springing, lightening fast, and featuring a sculptured bridle.* Recommended flint size: 5/8″* Manton Matching pairs are super for “double” guns. * Matching Side Plate Available. * Also available in “Drop In ” Percussion. 1. Model# 1700 – Flintlock – Right Hand $170.00 |
L And R Lock Company
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Queen Anne Locks This lock’s gently rounded plate and sculptured hammer indicate the influence of the English artisans of the “Queen Anne period” architecture. Many such locks were used from the early 1700s into the last quarter of the eighteenth century. Imported from England and used throughout the Colonies, it is of particular importance on guns of the southern sea port regions.* Lock Suitable For: Rifles and smoothbores of all types with particular emphasis on the guns of Maryland, Virginia and the Carolinas. This type lock was utilized by English “masters” such as Barber, Wilson, Twigg, and American makers like Faber and Shroyer.Lock Features:* Available in right and LEFT HAND. Dim. 5 and 9/16 x 1 and 1/16.* Traditional hook type springing, bearing surfaces on tumbler and sear, water resistant frizzen to pan fit, “cam’ action and a nice short “stroke’. Highly polished internally. Recommended flint size: 3/4″ * Matching Side Plate available in Right and Left Hand in Brass or Steel. 1. Model# 2000 – Flintlock – Right Hand $170.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Schuetzen Lock The excellent German and American “Off Hand” target rifles of the 19th century have sparked a contemporary interest in building and shooting a fine “Schuetzen” rifle.L&R now offers a proper lock with your choice of American (insert) or fancy German hammer.Lock Features:* DIim. 5″ x 1 1/16″ Plate polished inside and out. Bearing surfaces on tumbler and sear with stirrup link springing. Short, powerful stroke for target accuracy and sure ignition.* Available in RIGHT HAND only. 1. Model# 575 – Percussion – Right Hand $117.00 |
L&r Lock Company In South Carolina
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Shotgun Locks This percussion fowling lock is of the late English style. They were used on high quality double rifles, shotguns and gentlemean’s deer stalking rifles.Lock Features:* Available RIGHT and LEFT HAND. Dim. 5″ X 1″.* Stirrup type springing and fly. Also available with “Hawken” style hammer, by request. (Small Insert Picture)1. Model# 500 – Percussion – Right Hand $117.00 2. Model# 600 – Percussion – Left Hand $117.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Dickert Lock Jacob Dickert, of Lancastcer County, Pennsylvania, was an accomplished gun maker circa 1755-1822. He made his own lock for the guns he built; but in addition, Dickert supplied locks to other gun makers. The Allentown Bethlehem, Lancaster and Bucks County schools and makers within these schools, such as A. Verner, J. Moll, Herman and John Rupp, John Knoll, Melchoir Fordney, Abraham Schweitzer and J.P. Beck, utilize this style lock.Lock Features:* Available RIGHT HAND ONLY. Dim. 5 3/8″ X 15/16″. Traditional hook type springing, bearing surfaces on tumbler and sear, water resistant frizzen to pan fit, cam action. Highly polished internally.* Recommended flint size: 3/4″* Right Hand Only 1. Model# 1200 – Right Hand $170.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Dimick Lock Horace Dimick was a gunmaker of top order and his guns were competition for the “plains rifle” business of Sam Hawken. His firm was established in St. Louis in 1849 and continued until his death in 1873. He was considered by many to be the highest skilled gunmaker of the day. Locks of this type were used considerably by Dimick as well as other makers from coast to coast, and were found on rifles of all calibers as well as shotguns.Lock Features:* Dim. 4 5/8″ x 1 1/16″. Plate polished inside and out. Bearing surfaced and stirrup linked internally, with a nice short “stroke” for speed.* Right Hand Only1. Model# 550 Percussion Lock $117.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Durs Egg Locks A master English gun maker, Durs Egg apprenticed in Switzerland and Paris before setting up shop in London in 1772. Egg’s contemporaries were John Twigg, John and Joseph Manton, Robert Wogdon, Henry Nock and H.W. Mortimer. Egg kept abreast of his contemporaries in both aesthetics and design engineering, producing some of England’s finest arms.Lock Suitable For: Rifles and shotguns by any of the above named gun makers. Gun makers today use this lock for almost any style of flint rifle from: Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Tennessee, Southern Mountain Rifle and all variations of these arms. The very fast lock time of this unit makes it an asset to the competitive shooter and hunter alike.Lock Features:* Available in Right & Left Hand. Dim – 5″ X l5/l6″,waterproof pan, pierced bridal, fly, stirrup type springing, fancy mainspring,roller mounted frizzen, and plate polished intemally.* Recommended flint size: 3/4″ * Also available in “Drop in” Percussion. 1. Model# 1100 Flintlock – Right Hand $170.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Jaeger Lock The German guns of early to mid 18th Century were instrumental in the development of our American”Kentucky” Rifle. L&R’s JAEGER lock is typical of the half-round half-flat plate styling found on many fine arms of old Europe during this period. Joseph Frey was one ofthe great masters utilizing this style. Use with our Model 1500C Colonial Trigger or our model T-9 Double Set.Lock Features:* Dim. 5-1/2″ x 15/16″ traditional hook type springing, bearing surfaces on tumbler and sear, rain resistant frizzen to pan fit,”Cam” action and a nice short “stroke” highly polished internally.* Recommended flint size 3/4.* Right Hand Only 1. Model# 2300 Flintlock – Right Hand $170.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Hawken LocksLocks of the T. Gibbons Style: A recreation of the late Hawken percussion lock for use with the snail breech system. In his quality “St. Louis Guns”, Sam Hawken utilized locks by different makers. This lock plate is very similar to that of T. Gibbons and is prenotched for HPT Breech.* Lock Features: Available in RIGHT and LEFT HAND. Dim 4 7/8″ x 1″. Internal parts interchangeable with our “Late English” flint lock, stirrup type springing and fly.* #100 Right Hand and #200 Left Hand are uncut for Breech as pictured in insert.Hawken “Warranted” Style: A recreation of the lock style typically found in early J & S Hawkens circa 1825 – 1840. Imported from England and manufactured in the US, they were essentially the “commercial” lock of the period. This model has been prenotched for the HPT breech.Lock Features: * Plate polished inside and out. Built for speed with a nice short stroke. Internal parts are interchangeable with our “Late English” flint lock. * Dim. 4 5/8″ x 1″ * Right Hand Only 1. Model# 100 Percussion – Right Hand $117.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Leman Locks A re-creation of the famous Pennsylvania lock and arms maker, H.E. Leman. This type lock was also known as “Kentucky” percussion and was used with the drum type ignition. Leman locks are suitable for Southern, Mountain, Ohio and Trade Rifles.Lock Features:* Dim. 5″ X 1″ Internal parts and plate are interchangeable with our “Late English” flint lock.* Available Right and Left Hand.* Stirrup type springing and fly. Accepts 1/2″ Drum. 1. Model# 300 – Percussion Right Hand $117.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Late English Locks Since the onset of the Hawken popularity, there has been much controversy as to the existence of a “Hawken” flint lock rifle. One full stock Hawken rifle exists in the archives of the Smithsonian Institutc. It was authenticated by Col. Vaughn Goodwin, Art Ressel, John D. Baird, and J.W, “Doc” Carlson as being converted from flint to percussion ignition. L & R acquired and duplicated an original advanced waterproof English flint lock very similar in all aspects to the lock in the Smithsonian rifle.* Lock Suitable For: Full stock Hawken, Leman, Southern Mountain, Tennessee, and Poor Boys. Also proper for Manton, Egg, Twigg rifles and fowling pieces.Lock Features:*Dim. 5″ X 1″ waterproof pan, roller frizzen spring, stirrup type springing and fly. Bearing surfaces on tumbler and sear highly polished internally.* Recommended flint size: 5/8″ * Also available in drop in percussion (Model #300,400) 1. Model# 900 – Goose Neck Flintlock – Right Hand $170.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Manton Locks John and Joseph: The Manton’s were superb English gun makers of the highest order. Brothers, skilled artisans, craftsmen, trend setters and staunch business rivals. Crafting sporting arms, pistols, rifles and fouling pieces, each left an indelible legacy for all gun enthusiasts to admire and emulate. The Manton’s competed successfully with Durs Egg, Henry Nock, John Twigg and other highly acclaimed contemporaries. L & R has recreated “THE MANTON LOCK”. This superb firing mechanism is the culmination of exhaustive research and development.Lock Features:* Small, lightweight, lightning fast, measuring 4 3/4″ X 7/8″, waterproof pan, roller mounted frizzen, bearing surfaces on the tumbler and sear, stirrup springing, lightening fast, and featuring a sculptured bridle.* Recommended flint size: 5/8″* Manton Matching pairs are super for “double” guns. * Matching Side Plate Available. * Also available in “Drop In ” Percussion. 1. Model# 1700 – Flintlock – Right Hand $170.00 |
L And R Lock Company
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Queen Anne Locks This lock’s gently rounded plate and sculptured hammer indicate the influence of the English artisans of the “Queen Anne period” architecture. Many such locks were used from the early 1700s into the last quarter of the eighteenth century. Imported from England and used throughout the Colonies, it is of particular importance on guns of the southern sea port regions.* Lock Suitable For: Rifles and smoothbores of all types with particular emphasis on the guns of Maryland, Virginia and the Carolinas. This type lock was utilized by English “masters” such as Barber, Wilson, Twigg, and American makers like Faber and Shroyer.Lock Features:* Available in right and LEFT HAND. Dim. 5 and 9/16 x 1 and 1/16.* Traditional hook type springing, bearing surfaces on tumbler and sear, water resistant frizzen to pan fit, “cam’ action and a nice short “stroke’. Highly polished internally. Recommended flint size: 3/4″ * Matching Side Plate available in Right and Left Hand in Brass or Steel. 1. Model# 2000 – Flintlock – Right Hand $170.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Schuetzen Lock The excellent German and American “Off Hand” target rifles of the 19th century have sparked a contemporary interest in building and shooting a fine “Schuetzen” rifle.L&R now offers a proper lock with your choice of American (insert) or fancy German hammer.Lock Features:* DIim. 5″ x 1 1/16″ Plate polished inside and out. Bearing surfaces on tumbler and sear with stirrup link springing. Short, powerful stroke for target accuracy and sure ignition.* Available in RIGHT HAND only. 1. Model# 575 – Percussion – Right Hand $117.00 |
L&r Lock Company In South Carolina
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Shotgun Locks This percussion fowling lock is of the late English style. They were used on high quality double rifles, shotguns and gentlemean’s deer stalking rifles.Lock Features:* Available RIGHT and LEFT HAND. Dim. 5″ X 1″.* Stirrup type springing and fly. Also available with “Hawken” style hammer, by request. (Small Insert Picture)1. Model# 500 – Percussion – Right Hand $117.00 2. Model# 600 – Percussion – Left Hand $117.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Trade Lock Locks of this general type were found primarily on smooth bore guns used for the “Indian Trade” of the mid to late 18th century. Manufactured by the French and English, they were plain in appearance and simple in function. A prized possession of Indian and frontiersman alike. L&R’s Trade Lock features traditional hook type springing, bearing surfaces on tumbler and sear, rain resistant frizzen to pan fit, and a short “stroke” for a competitive edge. Polished internally. Great for “Transitional” period rifles too.Lock Features:* Dim: 5 5/8″ x 1 3/32″* Right Hand only.* Recommended flint size: 3/4″ 1. Model# 2200 – Flintlock – Right Hand $170.00 |
CLICK TO ENLARGE | The Warranted Lock The 19th century “commercial” lock mentioned elsewhere, but this model has been set up for the popular drum and nipple system of ignition. These locks were used on fine guns as well as “hardware” pieces and were usually marked WARRANTED near the bottom center of the plate. Over the word was many times stamped the gunmaker’s name or even the gun’s retailer. Some were engraved or stamped with a hunting scene. We have left this area for you to embellish if you wish.* Lock Suitable For: Indiana, Ohio, late Penn., New England, and any of the Southern guns.* Lock Features: DIM: 4 5/8″ x 1″. Polished plate inside and out. Bearing surfaced and stirrup linked internaiiy, with short, powerful stroke for speed. Accepts 1/2″ Drum.* Available Right Hand only.1. Model# 175 – Percussion – Right Hand $117.00 |
L&r Rpl Lock
P. O. Box 2791 Rockford, IL 61132 US Phone (815) 968-1995 Fax (815) 968-1996 |
L&r Lock Company
Home > Stocks and Components > H & A Underhammer | Stock and Pistol Prices Stock Blanks Single Shot/Antique Repeater Stocks Stocks and Components Allen Box Lock J. Armstrong Beck Boys Bedford County Blunderbuss J. Dickert Dueling Pistol English Rigby Sporting English Shot Gun A. Figthorn Early Fullstock Fowler Harpers Ferry Model 1803 Hawken Fullstock Hawken Halfstock Hawken Pistol Jaeger Kentucky Pistol Pre-Revolutionary Kentucky Early Lancaster Late Lancaster Lehigh County Leman Fullstock Leman Halfstock Mountaineer Repast North Carolina Northwest or 'Trade Gun' Ohio Schuetzen Halfstock Schweitzer Southern Mountain Tennessee Classic Tennessee Mountain Thompson Center Transitional Kentucky Trapper Pistol Tulle 'Fusil de Chasse' Underhammer - H & A Underhammer - Allen A. Verner Vincent Halfstock Virginia Locks Jim Chambers Locks L & R Locks R. E. Davis Locks Siler Locks Allen Box Lock & Inline Actions Triggers L & R Triggers R. E. Davis Triggers Other Triggers | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
H & A Underhammer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Many consider this to be an ugly rifle. Maybe it is, however it is simple and it works very well. Lock, trigger breech plug and trigger guard are all in one piece. There is direct ignition into the barrel and has a fine trigger pull. Cap flash is out of view. Various barrel sizes can be used on this action from 13/16' to 1 1/8'. Stocks and forends are available in walnut, cherry and curly maple. Stocks are inletted and drilled for the thru bolt. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||